Skeptical about radiant heaters? Think again!
If you’re a fan of daytime television then you’ll have seen the long-winded advertisements for radiant heaters, and quite understandably you’ll have taken them with a grain of salt, in the same way that you would the AB Circle Pro – BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!!!! No matter how tempting the Buy Now is, there’s a high chance your new purchase will go the same way as that under-desk exercise bike that is gathering dust in the garage because you and I both know you’ll never get around to actually installing the thing.

The real deal on infrared heating
But wait! There really is more to infrared heating than most of us realise, and it’s all to do with the way it heats, and most importantly, what it heats. Conventional heating works by heating the surrounding air. This is great if you’re inside, but not so good in the great outdoors on a chilly Canterbury evening.
Radiant heaters, on the other hand, emit infrared energy, which is absorbed by the objects that it hits (in this case, you, and your guests during your annual winter BBQ), causing the molecules that you’re made of to vibrate, which increases your body heat. This process, while it might sound alarming, is perfectly safe, it’s how the sun manages to heat the Earth from 149 million kilometres away, and it is the same technology that heats your infrared sauna.

Silent, economical, and eco-friendly
Infrared heating means that even on the coldest evenings, you and your friends can stay toasty warm, with the added bonus that radiant heaters are both economical to run, completely silent, and can be installed discreetly under an eave or beam.
Super responsive, in that it doesn’t need to be turned on until you need it (and stops heating as soon as it is turned off), infrared heating is cheap, effective, and low in emissions.
Ring Greg at Juice Electrical on 03 3796644 or 0800 277 275 today, and get in early for the ultimate addition to your outdoor entertainment area this winter.